Research Areas
The project network "Lost in Translation? How images of Europe are translated" consists of four research areas, each containing one or two projects:
Research Area A (Georg-Eckert-Institute, Braunschwegig)
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Simone Lässig
COLONIALISM - A EUROPEAN SITE OF MEMORY?Coming to terms with the past in textbooks of the twentieth century
"Colonialism - A European site of memory? Coming to terms with the past in textbooks of the twentieth century" (Dr. Susanne Grindel)
Research Area B (University Kassel)
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Winfried Speitkamp
"Images of European cultural heritage in the twentieth century. Transnational discourses about European memorials and their influence on policies concerning memorials and conceptions of museums" (Frauke Michler, M.A., Florian Gresshake, M.A.)
Research Area C (Justus-Liebig-University Gießen)
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch
Research Area D (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung)
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Martin Sabrow